RDC/DC2 Firmware Update
Thank you for contacting KOHLER® Home Energy regarding being disconnected from OnCue® at this time. We suggest updating generator controller firmware to reestablish connection. Any owner of a generator can perform the update with a Windows laptop and a mini-USB cable. In addition to these items, you will need to download the program ‘USB Utility’ from the link below and save the attached firmware to your desktop or download folder.
Please read through the instructions completely before beginning. By continuing with this process you agree to accept responsibility for any risks associated with a firmware update and know that you may have to purchase a replacement controller should the firmware update fail. Remote monitoring issues and firmware updates are NOT a warrantable failure and if controller replacement necessary, it is very unlikely to be covered by the warranty.
Contact us
If you continue to experience issues, please contact the Home Energy Help & Support team so that we may further assist you.