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Three designs to disguise your power.

Introducing Mossy Oak camouflage patterns. Perfect for outdoor enthusiasts, choose from Original Bottomland, Break-Up Country, or Shadow Grass Habitat. These patterns are designed to blend with natural surroundings or stand out by your home.

A Mossy Oak Bottomland camouflage print overlaid with the design's logo.
DAM # aaf12952

Mossy Oak Original Bottomland

A full camouflage background design with 'Break-up Country Mossy Oak' logo in the center. 
DAM # aaf13785

Mossy Oak Break-Up Country

A Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Habitat camouflage print overlaid with the design's logo.
DAM # aaf13784

Mossy Oak Shadow Grass Habitat

A camouflage-wrapped home generator in an empty room with gray walls.

The Mossy Oak designs are available on the following models:

First and only generator made with Mossy Oak designs.

Kohler is proud to be the first and only generator brand to offer Mossy Oak designs. Our exclusive partnership allows outdoor enthusiasts to celebrate their passion with power.

Mossy Oak® is a trademark used under license from Hass Outdoors, Inc by Kohler Home Energy.

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